Teaching and Outreach

Core Courses:

CE 20150 Statics/AME 20221 Mechanics I: A required undergraduate course on systems of forces, equilibrium, internal forces of trusses/beams, and virtual work. Theoretical concepts are presented followed by worked examples. Active learning is implemented by having students build physical models that reinforce concepts and participate in think-pair-share exercises. Photo: class field trip to Chicago to visit design firms and a water treatment plant.

CE 60285/40285 Bridge Engineering: An elective senior/grad course on the behavior, analysis, and design of bridges, with an emphasis on fundamental analysis concepts, understanding structural systems, and interpreting design code. Concepts are presented within a historical framework, built structures are utilized for examples, and aesthetics in structural engineering is introduced. A semester-long research project engages students in an in-depth understanding of one bridge form. Photo: class field trip to Chicago to visit design firms, a fabrication shop, and construction sites.

Outreach Programs: Creating a diverse and inclusive future for engineering.

INVITE: InNoVatIon, Technology, and Business in Engineering Workshop: Two-day workshop aiming to broaden the participation of underrepresented undergraduate students as well as veterans and non-traditional students in innovation and entrepreneurship. Included: (1) hands-on activities and lectures by faculty, students, and practicing engineers, (2) tour of a construction site, (3) a networking and career path panel, and (4) multiple opportunities to socialize over meals and breaks. Offered April 28-29, 2023 and February 9-10, 2024. Stay tuned for future offerings.

“Bridges over Troubled Waters” Workshop within Expanding Your Horizons Conference: 55-minute workshops for middle school girls, including a brief introduction to bridge engineering followed by a bridge building activity. Each workshop given three times per conference. Offered from 2013-2019. A total of 213 girls have participated to date. Stay tuned for future offerings.

BRIDGES (Building Relationships to Inspire and Drive Girls to pursue Engineering and Science): A before-school single gender enrichment program for high school girls enrolled in the engineering magnet program at Riley High School (South Bend, IN). Included: (1) hands-on activities and lectures and (2) field trips to construction sites and laboratories. 8-9 before-school meeting per year. Offered from 2014-2020. Approximately 30 girls attended per year.